Narrative aesthetics in Giorgione's paintings


  • Faylaq Fathi Muhammad Ali College of Engineering, University of Kerbala, Iraq
  • Alaa Abdul Hamid Mohammad College of Engineering, University of Kerbala, Iraq



Narrative, beauty, Renaissance


The research dealt with the study of (narrative aesthetics in Giorgione’s paintings), the nature of narration, its aesthetics, and the diversity of its concepts during the Renaissance period in general and the works of the artist Giorgione in particular. Through the research, questions were raised, such as: What is the aesthetics of narration in Giorgione’s paintings, and is narration an important part of Giorgione’s works because of its importance in identifying one of the figures of the Renaissance period, since few researchers paid attention to narration in painting, but they did not expand the analysis of Giorgione’s works, which A void form in the Arabic library. The study focused on the time period from (1500 - 1510) for Giorgione’s works executed on canvas, wood, or panel. The research dealt with the concepts of beauty and narrative in a philosophical manner through the concept of (beauty philosophically and artistically, and beauty in the Renaissance between religion and realism). A sample was collected. Research from a group of international sources and websites with the aim of analyzing them and obtaining answers to the research questions. The research concluded with a set of results and recommendations about narrative in the works of the artist Giorgione.


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How to Cite

Faylaq Fathi Muhammad Ali, & Alaa Abdul Hamid Mohammad. (2024). Narrative aesthetics in Giorgione’s paintings. Basrah Arts Journal, (30), 5–19.



