The aesthetics of technical diversity in the products of pop art
aesthetics , Technical actor, products , pop artAbstract
This thesis study the technical diversity of the products of Pop Art Art is located in four chapters, devoted the first chapter to a statement of the research problem and its significance and purpose and limitations and to identify the most important terms contained therein, where he addressed the problem of the research subject of technical diversity and its relationship to the art of Pop Art, which represents a model distinct in show patterns of consumer culture (folk) that prevailed in the United States, he is depicted Zhnih and consumer environment, and involves a lot of intellectual and structural Ironically, as a result of manifestation mechanisms functioned according to data actor technique.What distinguishes the stylistic visions of the artists of Pop Art, which exaltation of properties Aladharrih artistic and aesthetic techniques that have been used in the expression of cognitive psychological nature trail, loaded card Find modes of technology is familiar, Art is produced in any material located in the reach of the artist. So was Pop Art Art techniques care of things ephemeral, cheap, neglected, Almstalmh, traded, which prompted the artist to the popular practice of many types of visual production, as well as the diversity of raw materials and materials technology, media, printing and advertising.And demonstrated the importance of research in the possibility of monitoring the technical diversity of the products of pop art on the level of shapes, materials and media, and paves the same time to open up research to address the aesthetics of technical given in the art of postmodernism, the research aims (revealed technical diversity of the products of Pop Art art) and define the artistic productions completed from (1960-1975).And included the second chapter on the theoretical framework on two themes: Me first study the technical diversity in the arts of postmodernism) The second topic was concerned with (study Aladharrih characteristics Art Pop Art), The third chapter singled out procedures for the search, either the fourth quarter has included findings and conclusions .
ابن منظور: لسان العرب ، ج6 ، بيروت: دار صادر : 1300ه.
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