Encoding format transformations in contemporary formation


  • Muhanad Abdullah Jabbar College of Fine Arts, University Of Basrah, Iraq https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6763-1689
  • Fareed Khalid Alwan College of Fine Arts, University of Basrah, Iraq




format, encryption, declaration, contemporary formation


The research dealt with the topic (transformations of coding format in contemporary art) with regard to the path of the contemporary artist and the importance of his connection to his society. The research problem was determined by answering the following question: (What are the hypothetical requirements for the mind to carry out an aesthetic reading of the various art formats?)
As for the second chapter, it included the theoretical framework, which contained two sections, the first included (the concept of communicative codes), while the second section included (the diversity of contemporary formation codes), while the third chapter was concerned with research procedures, and the fourth chapter contained the results and conclusions.


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How to Cite

Muhanad Abdullah Jabbar, & Fareed Khalid Alwan. (2024). Encoding format transformations in contemporary formation. Basrah Arts Journal, (30), 53–69. https://doi.org/10.59767/2024.08/30.4



