Constructivist Approach to Analysis of Sculptural Productions

Horse Movement - Selectively


  • Ali Abdullah Abood Alkinane University of Basrah / College Of Finearts


sculptural, analytical, horse


The current research aims to address the constructivist approach in the analysis of sculptural products, being an approach that differs from other analytical and creative approaches in its fundamental association with an inextricable technique, which is the reconstruction of the sculptural product to highlight its functions through two basic processes, namely truncation and synthesis, that is, the truncation of the functional parts of the thing to reveal how they perform their functions, and the extent of their impact on the whole, and then the synthesis of these parts after discovering the laws of their movement in each organic, and analyzing Rules related to its various overtones and regulations.  Thus, it has become necessary to ask the question, can the sculptural product be read and analyzed, whether it is prominent, stereoscopic or assembled through the constructivist method?

In order to deal with this research, the researcher considered the use of the constructivist method in the analysis of a sculptural product that was intentionally chosen as a model to apply this method to it. The present study in the first section dealt with the concept of the constructivist method, which after its formation and maturity is fundamentally different from the formal method, down to the proposals of Levi Strauss and what he confirms the difference between formality and constructivism in terms of separation between these two aspects because the form is understandable, while the content is nothing more than a remnant devoid of the function value. The second section dealt with the constructivist approach as a critical approach, where constructivism works to study the links that regulate the elements of the structure, and these links are subject to laws that control the construction of the relationships that bind them, they are characterized by stability, although the elements may change, but the relationships remain the same. The research then addressed the indicators adopted by the constructivist approach and the following:

  1. Analyze each building into its molecules that make up it, in order to reveal the objective relationships that bind it to each other, and then reconstruct it into the construction of each new one that is superior to the previous construction and more advanced than it.
  2. Determine the direction of the process of analysis and installation of each building.
  3. Discover the essences behind each building, which are relationships and nothing else higher than them.

In the third section, he touched on the use of the constructivist method as an analytical method and the choice of a sculptural model of analysis (horse movement) by the sculptor Jawad Salim, where it was found to come up with a number of results that concluded the research, including the movement of the enemy shown in the form, is inspired by the ancient Assyrian forms, where there is more than one movement of limbs in the sculptural forms completed in that period, which is an indication of the artist's inspiration for these ancient forms within the concept of civilizational inspiration and reformulation in a modern way. As well as the qualities of the modern futuristic school that called for the embodiment of the movement in form, thus crystallizing the genius of the artist by linking these historical periods in an expressive way.


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How to Cite

Alkinane ع. ع. ا. ع. (2022). Constructivist Approach to Analysis of Sculptural Productions: Horse Movement - Selectively. Basrah Arts Journal, (23), 5–16. Retrieved from



