Media and its dominance in contemporary Iraqi painting
mediator, image, documents, proclamationAbstract
The current study deals with the topic of the effectiveness of narrated, visual, and printed media as documents and data conveying the culture and knowledge of people, as well as a discursive structure with sensory authority that affected the nature of the artistic experience through the dynamic interaction between the artist’s creative intentions and his experience, in addition to the intellectual and historical influences resulting from the power of the medium as an effective tool in directing the artist’s vision The research was divided into four chapters, first chapter devoted to the research problem, which ended with the following question: What are the areas of media structure and how do they dominated on the visual surface appearances? The second chapter, it included two sections, the first section entitled Mediality of language/versus the oral and the copied, while the second section was entitled Mediality of the Image/versus the audio-visual. The third chapter contained the research procedures represented by the method, community, research tool, and analysis of the research sample which included three models. The fourth chapter included the results and conclusions. The following are some of the results:
1-The effectiveness of the medium emerged as a symbolic and ideological material that enhances the concept of cultural identity through artists adopting it.
2-The media appeared as a reference that carries data from which the artist draws his cultural and historical topics, as well as daily events.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Zain Al_Abideen Qais Hanoon, Yassin Wami Nasser (Author)

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