Environmental impact in puppet and puppet theater performances
a day at school as a model
Environmental, performances, puppetAbstract
Interrelation and analytic of the literary subject is prepared by the speech in Arabic language by setting up next short theatric play for young children with the preposition of puppet designs and besides on the longest of an advertisers and animal figures in presentiment a creative achievement for young children with a group of community groups orphans and dropouts. This phenomenon is not new but it has such dimensions and its impact on the behavior of young children regardless of degree depriving then. theater and any meaningful library and artistic activity seeking to strengthen young personality children and be the small one is the basic building block for the family and society it I the royals of the care interest. Islam has enjoined the orphan and its care and sponsorship of the orphan recommend by the heavenly laws. The child and the young need attention in on atmosphere the family to preserve its identity from being torn and destroyed in its infrastructure the child in society is a bond socio. Educational brings the father and mother closer and through pursuit of the treatment and enriching the theater and brides preaching and awareness being a lesson in a subject watching and applying for the fifth year students are shown the extent to which they benefited from the theatrical. Performance and its inclusion in it the school girl plan is something that puts us all together in front of appositive indictor for female students applying the way of the development of educational work in the field during its application in school and graduation as societies don’t advance and progress nations only build the family and the child but in ways dealing with reality and its negatives as the young need expression the one who expresses his disgusting feelings and because he is one of the advantages of free active and authentic expresses of what you yearn for the soul and the soul adores it combines seriousness and play and between need and desire need for knowledge and desire for some absurdity the embodies at some of what swarm the soul human kind is source of question and a curiosity of knowledge that can only by achieved by breaking the barrier of silence experience and discovery. The impact of the environment adds a psychological factor to the behavior of young children the children are inside the house and the school the school builds his future life which is more need of care interest and the resetting psychological impact on inside it and due to the importance of the topic the researcher choose a kind of type of interactive theater for children from the age of five to eighteen she was chosen as a puppet theater and brides as a training and entertainment lessen for them benefiting from the participation of a fifth grade students in the fiche watching. Applying and the rest of the stages and sections in dramatizing the curriculum and the researcher followed by the experimental method and defined the method logical frame work of the first chapter and the second chapter the puppet and puppet theater speech and image and their impact on young children and children with the in discolors of the theoretical framework. The third chapter relater research procedures and the sample was chosen a theatrical text within the search community and presenting an entertaining text speech that contains wisdom and exhortation embrace the imperfections of reality between children and an accurate diagnosis and methods of treatment and the rest are her worked on formulating the results and contusions recommendations and list of sources.
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شبكة الانترنيت
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