Techniques of acting performance of the character of the storyteller in the Iraqi theatrical performance

Sami Kaftan as a model


  • Mudhafer Kadhem Mohammed Altaibe University of Baghdad / College Of Finearts


Technical actor, narrator's character, theatrical performance


This research deals with a very important topic which is how to perform the storyteller's personality in the theatrical performance, as this character differs in terms of dramatic construction and engagement from the rest of the characters in the theatrical show, and the performance of this character requires a set of techniques that can contribute to its presentation in a scientific and practical way. So this research came to reveal the set of techniques that the actor must develop to perform this character. The researcher divided this study into: an introduction and defining the terms of the study, then a theoretical framework consisting of two topics: the first topic (the techniques of the actor and the storyteller's personality through history), and the second topic (the tasks of the storyteller's personality in the theatrical show. The research dealt with the research procedures aimed at an intentional sample represented in the representative performance of the narrator's character presented by the actor Sami Kaftan in a theatrical performance (your pleasure this evening). After the analysis, the researcher came up with a set of results and conclusions, including: The performance of the storyteller's personality requires an understanding of the overall techniques of representative performance as well as the possibility of persuading vocal and dynamic coloring.Then the search ended with a list of references and sources and a list of margins.


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How to Cite

Altaibe م. ك. م. (2022). Techniques of acting performance of the character of the storyteller in the Iraqi theatrical performance: Sami Kaftan as a model. Basrah Arts Journal, (22). Retrieved from



